The term whirligig was supposed to be a bemused reference to the cylinder of the revolver with which the anthropomorphized dog and monkey are playing Russian roulette. It was also the title of this comics zine I wrote seven or eight years ago which these drawings are all samples from.
The skyscraper mugging the teepee.
The nude woman in the bowling alley. No idea what this was supposed to mean.
A detail from a larger drawing about my experiences with dextromethorphan (dxm active ingredient in Robotussin). This is me smoking a bong listening to Jane’s Addiction. Notice the Robotussin bottles strewn around the college dorm room floor.
More of the Robotussin drawing. When you take enough of it the building around you gets all wobbly, your perceptions of it don’t go in straight lines, no 90° angles. My college dorm turned into a funhouse.
Next Stop Enlightenment. The homeless guy on the subway sleeping dreams he is a wide guru preaching to disciples. The four steps to enlightenment, to proceed from a state of thoughtless sinfulness to thoughtless sinlessness.
And Sometimes Y. I drew a lot of these armless ghost figures who only had two slots for eyes. I drew them on public walls with all kinds of irresponsible deviant behavior of graffiti. I remember my grandfather in Buffalo NY was a cartoonist and would draw these spectral outlines of people gathered together in haunts.
I tried for a couple years to draw and sell comics. And I made a few bucks off this. Maybe if I ever become famous those books and zines I made will become collector’s items. That’s not likely to happen. I just wanted to share this artwork with you.
Here’s a YouTube video of a dubby, dank track that was one of my favorites in college off the groundbreaking collection, Macro Dub Infection, vol 1. I liked the heavy echoes and bass lines. It felt like being in a deep cave in an African country with a lot of moss or fungi and chittering insects.