I was going to do this on Twitter but I thought it might make more sense to bring it to my subscribers since you might be more interested in my work than the average twitter denizen. I have three signed copies of my novel Blood Trip for sale, bundled together with three copies of Excuse Me Mag #7 — each bundle is $20.
Excuse Me Mag #7 has some of my comics throughout it as well as fiction, poetry, art from people like Charlene Elsby and Lydia Xythali. It just went to color with #7 so the quality has really taken a jump upwards.
I have a bunch of copies of Excuse Me Mag but only three Blood Trips so I thought I would bundle them together and offer them to you if you were interested.
I can only do PayPal transactions and only ship within the USA right now.
If you are interested, contact me at platelet60 AT gmail DOT com. This could end up going fast so don’t wait too long.
Check out Blood Trip reviews at Amazon and goodreads to get an idea of what the novel is about. It’s gotten very good reviews so far.
Typically Blood Trip sells on Amazon for around $10 and the Excuse Me Mag goes for $6 so I think with shipping this isn’t a bad deal. This will support me financially a little bit. Not enough to get me to Chicago for the Expat festival this summer, but enough to keep me in spaghetti for a little while.
I am more interested in just getting the book and magazine in front of three more readers, more than I am in making money. But money is part of it of course.
Thank you for all your support and help! Thanks for being subscribers to my free substack. It is very meaningful for me to have a small interested audience for my writing.
Blood Trip is a cool story... go get it folks!